Flash season 4

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Episode 1: The Flash Reborn

With Barry in the speed force, Iris, Kid Flash, Joe and Vibe have taken over protecting Central City. However, when a powerful armored villain threatens to level the city if The Flash doesn't appear, Cisco makes a risky decision to break Barry out of the speed force. However, the Barry that comes out isn't the same Barry that went in

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Episode 2: Mixed signals

Barry has his hands full when he takes on a dan- gerous meta who can control technology, while also confronting an obstacle in his personal life: the ramifications of abandoning Iris for six months to balance the Speed Force. Meanwhile, Gypsy breaches in for a hot date with Cisco, but she gets annoyed when his work keeps them apart.

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Episode 3 : Luck be a lady

Barry and the team are hit by a string of bad luck and realize it is the handiwork of a new meta Becky nicknamed Hazard, who has the ability to give others bad luck, while cashing in the benefits for herself. Meanwhile, Harry Wells returns to Earth-1 to give Wally a message from Jesse.

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Episode 4 : Elongated journey into Night

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Cisco is shocked when Gypsy's father, Breacher, shows up on Earth-1. Breacher takes an immediate disliking to Cisco and decides to hunt him. Meanwhile, Barry runs into his old nemesis, Ralph Dibny.

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